Saturday, January 26, 2013

EPXBody Mexican-American Team

EPXBody Mexico

¿Está listo para vivir la vida que usted se merece?
With all the excitement of EPXBody, Mexican-Americans are creating huge teams epxbody-mexicowithin EPXBody.  Even though EPXBody is not a shipping option to Mexico as of yet, the EPXBody leadership is continually working with different governments, and setting up offices all around the world.
EPXBody leadership is also working on converting and translating the website in Spanish. CEO, Dan Putnam mentioned on the last Q&A call that he was working with Jonathan Taylor,  Director of Operations, and the brochures and website are currently being translated and worked on. He mentioned they were very close to completion and that it was very high on the priority list. Many top leaders will continue to push the company for distributors, to get this translated material out to us.

For now, if you have an Español speaking individual, the best, at the moment EPXBody can do is by using Google Translator  located  upper right hand corner of EPXBody main site (as shown below).

The site will be translated according to Google, so you may see errors, until EPXBody comes out with the official translated page.
EPXBody Mexico is amazing, and we are currently looking for leaders and individuals in the Mexican-American communities through out the US. Join our growing EPXBody Mexico team today.
Join our EPXBody Mexico team by visiting our site:

¡Póngase en marcha con EPXBody!

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Kevin and Maria McConnell
Skype: mcconnellkevin


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